Daniel Jocz
School: Downtown Magnets High School
District: Los Angeles Unified School District
County: Los Angeles County
Region: Southern California
Grade: High School
Subject: History, Arts, Career Technical Education (CTE)
Award Year: 2016
Daniel Jocz is a product of public education in Los Angeles. Since kindergarten he attended Los Angeles Unified School District schools and went on to become the first in his family to go to college. Daniel Jocz graduated magna cum laude with a degree in History from UCLA and earned his masters degree in Education from the UCLA Teacher Education Program. Since 2004 he has taught various social studies classes at both Downtown Magnets High School and Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies. A National Board Certified Teacher Mr. Jocz was selected as the 2016 California Teacher of the Year and was one of four finalists for National Teacher of the Year. To date over 30 million people have viewed his history videos on his YouTube channel Jocz Productions. Check out: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoczProductions
Mr. Jocz is available to keynote or host workshops on a variety of topics in education. He regularly presents at conferences what really works in his 21st century classroom. Mr. Jocz often talks about why he chose to become a teacher and how he develops instructional strategies that seek to inspire a sense of hope and optimism in all of his students. Learn how his use of technology, pop culture, media literacy, and “sexy data” has allowed him to ensure equity, access, student engagement, and success for his exceptional learners. Participants will learn how to redesign their AP and regular classes so that they can work toward closing the achievement gap and learn tips for creating all types of digital content to help student achievement. Check out his website www.apushexplained.com to see how he has built one of the most successful open enrollment Advanced Placement programs in all of Los Angeles Unified School District.